COVID-19 Vaccine
Proof of Vaccination Eligibility
At your appointment, you MUST present photo ID/documentation to show you meet the eligibility requirements above to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.
Employee photo ID badge; or
Professional license AND a photo ID; or
Signed letter from your employer on facility letterhead AND a photo ID; or
Payment stub or timesheet from your healthcare employer or in-home supportive services AND a photo ID.
Driver's license; or
Government-issued photo ID with your date of birth, such as a passport
Please bring your healthcare insurance card, if applicable.
Before Your Vaccination Appointment
Take it easy the night before to ensure potential symptoms are not a result of other unrelated activities.
Anticipate the COVID-19 vaccines may cause minor side effects in some people, like sore muscles, feeling tired, or mild fever.
Do not take acetaminophen or ibuprofen in anticipation of potentially having side effects from the vaccine.
Taking these medications for the purpose of preventing post-vaccination symptoms is not currently recommended.
When you go to your appointment, remember to:
Watch your distance - stay at least 6 feet away from others.
Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth.​
Anticipate preparing for a second appointment for your second dose 28 days later. ​
During Your Vaccination Appointment
A COVID-19 vaccination card will be given to you when you receive your first dose of the vaccine. It will list:
The type of vaccine you received.
The date you received it.
Where you received it.
Keep this vaccination card in a safe place and bring it with you when you second dose appointment.
If you have a smartphone with you, it is recommended you take a picture of your vaccination card in case you misplace the physical card between appointments.
You will be monitored for allergic reactions on-site for 15-30 minutes.
After Your Vaccination Appointment
It takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination.
The Moderna COVID-19 vaccines require two shots 28 days apart.
The vaccine is most effective 2 weeks following your second dose.
Continue to wash your hands.
Continue to watch your distance.
Continue to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when in contact with others outside your household.
Infant and Toddler Vaccines Available
We are now providing the COVID-19 Vaccine to Infant and Toddler populations
We have expanded our hours to include Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) to schedule these appointments